Our Certifications

We guarantee the respect of international regulations and standards


C L E A R  A N D  H O N E S T

MZ EVENTS has implemented a “Whistleblowing Reporting Procedure” in reference to Legislative Decree of March 10, 2023, No. 24, that allows employees and collaborators to report possible fraud, a crime, misconduct, or any irregular bahaviour committed by other individuals associated with MZ EVENTS. The purpose of “Whistleblowing” is to enable MZ EVENTS to address the reported issue as soon as possible, disclosing situations of risk or harm and contributing to the prevention and counteraction of any wrongdoing.

Info and Procedure

ISO 9001:2015

MZ Events has received the updated certificate of “Sistema Qualità” in the recent ISO 9001:2015 setting
Download PDF

Gender Equality Policy UNI PdR 125

MZ Events has obtained the certification according to the UNI Pdr 125.
MZ Events declares that the activities carried out for the certification were executed within the framework of the initiatives promoted by the Regional Program co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.
Gender Equality Policy (PDF)
Download Certificate

System Managament for the Sustainability of Events ISO 20121

MZ Events has implemented a System Managament for the Sustainability of Events according to the ISO 20121 whose aim is to minimise and manage the impact generated by  those events organised with an attention to environmental, social and economical sustainability.
MZ Sustainable Events
Certificate in PDFDeclaration of intentSustainable purchasing policy (PDF)Sustainable events policy

Organizational Model D.Lgs.231/2001

MZ Events srl has adopted the Organizational Model which contains rules and procedures to prevent any risk of committing acts of corruption or other crimes covered by the Decree.
The Organizational Model is made up of various documents and procedures that have been adopted by the MZ Events Staff to carry out the activity of organizing congresses and events, including:
a) The MZ Events Organizational model srl
b) The Code of Ethics and Behavior
MZ Events staff and all those who have contractual relationships with the Company are required to know and comply with the Organizational Model.
Model of organization management and controlCode of ethics and behavior


W E  O N L Y  C H O O S E
T H E  B E S T

We are members of 6 associations for development and protection of our sector.

cbg convention bureau genova