Thank you for your impeccable work on the meeting. Your hard work made the meeting a great success. The Gala Dinner was fantastic as well.
I hope to meet again at another meeting.
Professor Dean M. Toriumi, MD.

Dean M. ToriumiEAFPS 2023

Thank you for your email. Congress was organised in admirable manner. 

My congratulations. I am attending congresses already 30 yrs. The human factor sometimes is lacking. In your case, it was exceptional. Understanding and flexibility is sometimes more important than a technical part ( by the way, your technical staff was more then excellent).

Kind regards, Dunja Miličić

Dunja MilicicEAFPS Verona, 2023

Thank you all for this special event!

Good job Milan team!

AnonymousIPOS 2023

Dear Federica, I wish to thank you and your organization for the excellent support. If I will organize a congress, I know where to go 😉 Thanks a lot. Many greetings, Hans

Hans NauwynckESPHM 2023

Thank you so much for organising this event. It was very educative I surely gained alot. Thank for making it possible also for us to follow online and furthermore being from a low income country Kenya, I managed to follow such an important meeting for free, it’s with gratitude I write this email. I hope to continually be able to follow this events yearly. This was my first. All I can say is you did a great job and thank you so much.

Mary Kaliunga Re: IFCC WorldLab EuroMedLab Roma 2023 - Thank to all the professionals who helped us to make this great success a reality!

Dear Stefy, Thank you for everything. It was perfect, the restaurants, transfers. They said that the drivers were very polite with great cars, always on time. They send me picutures from the restaurants and they very aposolitly amezed every night. Thank you for your support I really hope that we will work again on bigger groups. I will give your contact to my collegues also. Have a great day! Mirjana

Mirjana HerenčićFeedback Zagreb Travel

Hi Stefano,

As I prepare to leave Roma, I would like to congratulate you and the whole MZ Events Team for this great success with the WorldLab/EuroMedLab 2023! Thanks to the enormous effort that you all made, this has been possible. Hope you will find some time to relax from this strenuous week – and refill your personal “power storage“ 😉

Very best wishes, Ciao, Klaus

Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter KohseCongratulations for the success with Roma 2023!

Colgo l’occasione per ringraziarti ancora per tutto l’aiuto che tu e le tue colleghe mi avete dato. In particolar modo grazie alla tua professionalità ho potuto scoprire il duro lavoro e la dinamicità nelle scelte che stanno dietro ad un evento internazionale.

Grazie, Elena

Elena CitteraGrazie!

Buongiorno Monica,
abbiamo ricevuto ottimi feedback in merito all’evento, per cui ci tenevo a ringraziare te e tutto il tuo team a nome di Ceva per la professionalità e la gentilezza dimostrata.
Torneremo da te nelle prossime settimane per iniziare a valutare il prossimo anno.


Brandovardi Diego – Supply Chain Manager

Diego BrandovardiCeva Annual Symposium


grazie davvero per le giornate riminesi!

Siete stati – tutte e tutti – voi di MZ Events formidabili! Poi anche disponibili, cortesi e simpatici. Grazie ancora… e complimenti!

A presto, Claudio Farina Direttore SC Microbiologia e Virologia, ASST ‘Papa Giovanni XXIII’ – Bergamo

Claudio Francesco FarinaThanks!