Dear Ester,

It was a pleasure to meet you and an honor to be able to attend such a fantastic event. The organization was excellent.

Thank you for your professionalism and kindness. Happy Holidays! My kindest regards, Lara

Academia de Cirurgia Plástica Mário MendanhaMBN 2O22 AESTHETIC BREAST MEETING

Dear Ester,
Thank you so much for taking care of everything so well during my stay in Milan. Please extend my gratitude to Dr. Nava and transmit to him my congratulations for the success and high scientific value of his meeting.
Thank you for your professionalism and kindness.
Warmest regards,

Francisco G. BravoAesthetic Breast Meeting 2022

Thank you so much for the wonderful job you do in organizing and implementing this outstanding annually anticipated congress. I am, indeed, now in the car enroute to Malpensa. Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas Holiday. Appreciatively, Pat Maxwell

G. PatrickThank you

Carissime Anna e Francesca,
invio la presente e-mail per ribadire la mia riconoscenza per la realizzazione del survey “Anestesia in chirurgia vertebrale” per la nostra società ESRA ITALIA.
Le vostre idee, la vostra disponibilità, la vostra professionalità, il vostro supporto sono stati preziosi… infine, non vi ringrazierò mai abbastanza per la sopportazione e per aver esaudito ogni mia richiesta!
Sono molto soddisfatta di quello che abbiamo realizzato… all’inizio non immaginavo che potesse essere realizzato così bene.
Con affetto e stima,
Ilaria Pacini

Ilaria PaciniAnestesia in chirurgia vertebrale

Dear Federica,
I hope my email finds you well.
I just wanted to thank you for organising everything so well for us and it was nice to meet you in person in Florence.
I wish you the best,
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Nikolaos Pandis DDS, MS, MSc, DLSHTM, PhD, MS
Associate professor
Universität Bern, Switzerland

Nikolaos Pandis53 SIDO - 8 MOIP International Congress

Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much, and congratulations of the perfectly organized conference.

Sincerely, Jaroslaw Krzywanski

Jaroslaw Krzywanski39th Symposium on Combustion

I want to thank you for your hospitality and support during the IFCC meeting. The meeting was a success despite all the problems thrown at the organising committee by covid. I will not forget my time in Seoul.

All the best, Tony Badrick

Tony BadrickIFCC Seoul

Dear Barbara
This morning I have returned home, after 5 days in Seoul.
It was very nice to be back at a LIVE congress, and I wish more speakers had taken the effort of traveling to Korea.
Thank you for the excellent organization. The program was very interesting.
The hotel was very good, and the speakers’ dinner was very enjoyable.
With kind regards

Teun van GelderIFCC WorldLab Congress - Seoul 2022

Dear all,

Thank you so much for the award and for the opportunity to present our poster at the congress.
This was a great honor for me. I look forward to the next preanalytical conference and I do hope that we get to see each other live next time!

But I must say that this was absolutely one of the best virtual congresses I have attended during the last two year so congratulations to all of you for a great job.
Now it’s time to relax and enjoy the weekend! Best regards, Heidi Berghäll Development Manager PhD, Clinical Biochemist, EuSpLM

Heidi Berghäll6th EFLM Conference on Preanalytical Phase - 15/18 March 2022

​Thank you very much for your understanding and super responsiveness.
I think you are the best tech support I had in any of online events I attended so far.
Keep up the good work. Best Regards, Marsel Bratuša, mag. lab. biomed. Laboratorij za klinično biokemijo in hematologijo – UNIVERZITETNA KLINIKA ZA PLJUČNE BOLEZNI IN ALERGIJO GOLNIK

Marsel Bratuša2nd EFLM online Postgraduate Course "Leadership Skills", 13/23 September 2021