Sustainability in events for MZ Events

Events with a positive impact on the environment, people and the community exist and are spreading as part of a growing focus that the Tourism and Events sector is also dedicating to the issue of sustainability.

We talk about this with Mauro Zaniboni, president of MZ Events Srl.

Organizing sustainable events: what does it mean?


Corporate events

Corporate events are initiatives designed by a company for specific purposes, and they are used to create strong moments of exchange, sharing and discussion.
Therefore, they are a powerful communication tool, which is why it is very important that the organization is well planned to be a memorable experience.


MZ Events is featured in the magazine Stil’è, attached to SOLE 24ORE

MZ Events is in the April magazine Stil’è – The Art of Living the Beautiful – attached to the newspaper IL SOLE 24ORE, with an article on pages 122-123. Empathetic professionalism, a guarantee of success Mz Events Srl: attention and listening, quality and transparency are the basis of passionate work Creating relationships that last over…
